The React Hook That Lets You Update State Without Blocking the UI

Skanda Aryal
5 min readMay 11, 2024


React Hook That Lets You Update State Without Blocking the UI

React’s new useTransition hook is a game-changer for improving user experience in React applications. It allows you to update the state without blocking the UI, ensuring a smooth and responsive experience for your users, even during state transitions.

What is the useTransition Hook?

useTransition Hook

The useTransition hook is a part of the React Concurrent Mode, a set of new features aimed at improving the responsiveness and performance of React applications. It provides a way to mark some state updates as transitions, which allows React to handle them differently from regular state updates.

How Does It Work?

When you call the useTransition hook, it returns two values: a startTransition function and a isPending boolean. The startTransition function allows you to wrap state updates that should be treated as transitions, while the isPending boolean indicates whether a transition is currently in progress.

Here’s an example of how you might use the useTransition hook:

import { useState, useTransition } from "react";
function MyComponent() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
const [isPending, startTransition] = useTransition();
function handleClick() {
startTransition(() => {
setCount((count) => count + 1);
return (
<p>Count: {count}</p>
<button onClick={handleClick} disabled={isPending}>
{isPending ? "Updating…" : "Increment"}

In this example, when the button is clicked, the handleClick function is called. Inside this function, we use the startTransition function to wrap the state update (setCount(count => count + 1)). This tells React to treat this state update as a transition.

During the transition, React will mark the component tree as “frozen” and skip rendering any updates that are not related to the transition. This allows the UI to remain responsive and prevents it from being blocked by the state update.

The isPending boolean indicates whether a transition is currently in progress. In the example above, we use this boolean to disable the button and show a “Updating…” label while the transition is in progress.

When to Use the useTransition Hook?

The useTransition hook can be particularly useful in scenarios where you have complex state updates or computations that could potentially block the UI and impact the user experience. Here are a few examples:

  1. Large Data Sets: When dealing with large data sets, such as rendering long lists or processing large amounts of data, the useTransition hook can help prevent UI blocking during updates.
  2. Complex Calculations: If your application needs to perform complex calculations or operations that could potentially block the UI, wrapping them in a transition can ensure a smooth user experience.
  3. Asynchronous Operations: When dealing with asynchronous operations, such as fetching data from an API or performing time-consuming tasks, the useTransition hook can help prevent UI blocking while the operation is in progress.

Best Practices and Tips:

  1. Use Transitions Judiciously: While the useTransition hook is a powerful tool, it’s important to use it judiciously. Overusing transitions or wrapping updates that don’t require it can lead to performance issues and unnecessary complexity.
  2. Provide Visual Feedback: When a transition is in progress, it’s a good practice to provide visual feedback to the user, such as disabling buttons, showing a loading indicator, or displaying a message indicating that an update is in progress.
  3. Prioritize Critical Updates: Use the useTransition hook to prioritize critical updates, such as user input or high-priority data fetching, over less important updates.
  4. Combine with Other Optimizations: While the useTransition hook can improve performance, it’s often beneficial to combine it with other performance optimization techniques, such as code splitting, memoization, and virtualization.

Potential Drawbacks and Limitations:

  1. Increased Complexity: Using the useTransition hook can add complexity to your application, especially when dealing with multiple transitions or nested components. It’s important to carefully manage and coordinate transitions to avoid unintended behavior.
  2. Potential Rendering Issues: In some cases, using transitions can lead to rendering issues or visual glitches, especially when dealing with components that rely heavily on external state or side effects.
  3. Limited Browser Support: React’s Concurrent Mode, which includes the useTransition hook, is still an experimental feature and may not be fully supported in all browsers or environments.

Benefits of Using useTransition


Using the useTransition hook can provide several benefits for your React applications:

  1. Improved User Experience: By preventing the UI from blocking during state updates, your application will feel more responsive and smooth, even when dealing with complex state transitions.
  2. Better Performance: By skipping unnecessary renders during transitions, React can optimize performance and reduce the load on the browser.
  3. Prioritization of Updates: The useTransition hook allows you to prioritize certain updates over others, ensuring that critical updates are handled first and less important updates are deferred until the transition is complete.

Concepts from the Docs

The React documentation covers several important concepts related to the useTransition hook and Concurrent Mode:

  1. Transitions: A transition is a state update that should be treated differently from regular updates. Transitions are wrapped using the startTransition function provided by the useTransition hook.
  2. Pending Transitions: While a transition is in progress, React marks the component tree as “frozen” and skips rendering any updates that are not related to the transition. The isPending boolean returned by the useTransition hook indicates whether a transition is currently in progress.
  3. Tearing: Tearing is a visual inconsistency that can occur when content is rendered incrementally. React’s Concurrent Mode aims to prevent tearing by ensuring that content is rendered atomically and without interruptions.
  4. Interruptions: Interruptions occur when a high-priority update (such as user input) needs to be processed while a lower-priority update is in progress. Concurrent Mode allows React to pause ongoing updates and prioritize the high-priority update, improving responsiveness.
  5. Intentional Loading Sequence: With Concurrent Mode, you can specify an intentional loading sequence for your application, allowing you to control the order in which content is rendered and prioritize critical updates.

Additional Resources

By leveraging the useTransition hook and Concurrent Mode features, you can take your React applications to the next level, providing a smooth and responsive user experience, even during complex state transitions.

